Corpus Christi 2011
Readings for Corpus Christi. (Year A):
O.T. Deut: 8:2-3, 14-16
Psalm: 147.
NT: 1 Cor.10:16-17
Gospel: John: 6:51-58
CONFESSIONS: Saturday at Agia Kyriaki 5.15 – 5.50pm or during any Mass on Sunday at Agia Kyriaki .
Whoever is saying Mass at Polis on Saturday evening or Pissouri on Sunday evening is available before Mass for confessions.
Rosary Group. This group meets the first Monday of the month.
Return of Hospice table. We have brought back the Hospice fund raising table after Masses on Sunday morning at Agia Kyriaki. On it you will find the new 10euro key scheme, the angel broaches, how to support the Hospice with a 10euro standing order, sponsor a door window or ceiling tile. Watch out for the new Michael teddy bear! Much of all the above is available in the Hospice shops which do such splendid work week in and week out, thank you.
Saints this week
Mon 27th June St. Cyril of Alexander Bsh
Tues 28th June St. Irenaeus Bsp & Mytr.
Wed 29th June SS. Peter & Paul Apstle.
Thur 30th June 1st Mrtyrs of Rome.
Ss. Peter & Paul Wednesday At 6.30pm We are invited to join with the Greek Orthodox community in celebrating the Feast of Ss. Peter & Paul at the site of the original Basilica near Agia Kyriaki
Family Retreat. Fri/Sat. 1/2nd July. A retreat for families is being organised for 1st and 2nd July. Starting at 4pm on Friday 1st July through to about 5pm on Saturday 2nd July. It will be at Mesa Chorio. If interested please see Fr. Carlos or Fr. Jim.
The Bears have arrived! The Michael Bears have finally arrived. They are 5 euro’s each and can be bought from the tables outside the Church. There are 3 colours to choose from. All the proceeds from the bears will go towards the completion of the Hospice.
Food for the poor. Food for the poor is collected at the Hospice Coffee shop to be distributed by Fr. Carlos.