14th Sunday in Ordinary time, 2011.
Readings for this Sunday,(Trinity.A)
O.T: Exodus 34:4-6,8-9
Psalm: Dan:3:52-56.
NT: 2 Cor: 13:11-13
Gospel: John: 3:36-18
Welcome to St. Paul’s Parish.
We are part of the Latin Patriarchal Diocese of Jerusalem. The Church of Jerusalem was born on the day of Pentecost. It was governed first by the college of Apostles under the leadership of St. Peter. St. James was the first bishop of Jerusalem. A long line of bishops has followed until this day.
The Church of Jerusalem was recognised as a Patriarchate by the Council of Chalcedon in 451. The Patriarchal see of Jerusalem was restored as a residential see in 1847 and in 1848 the Patriarch arrived in Jerusalem and took possession of his see by solemnly entering his cathedral, the Holy Sepulcher.
There are 13 churches in Jerusalem with constituted dioceses, six Catholic, five Orthodox and two protestant. The Latin Patriarchate of Jerusalem covers, Israel, Jordan, Palestine and Cyprus. The Holy Land is the privileged place where the mystery of Salvation unfolded. For Christians, it is the Land of the Patriarchs and the Prophets as well as that of Jesus Christ and the Apostles, and the birthplace of the Church. It is from the Mother Church of Jerusalem that millions of faithful received the Gospel and their faith in Jesus Christ. As Christians we are spiritually born in the grotto of the nativity in Bethlehem; as members of the Church we all emerged from the cenacle strengthened by the Holy Spirit with the mandate to continue the mission of Christ in today’s world.
In 1217 the Franciscans created the province of the Holy Land. In 1263, this province was divided into three territories each called a ‘Custody’. One of them is the custody of the Holy Land. In 1291 the Friars moved to Cyprus. The principle responsibility of the Custody of the Holy Land is the protection of the Holy Places and to ensure welcoming and care of pilgrims.
The Latin Church was established in Cyprus in 1196 by the Franks or Lusignans. So our Parish has two great traditions to uphold of our Diocese of Jerusalem, to continue the mission of Christ in today’s world and to welcome and care for pilgrims. Please pray for the work of our Patriarch Fouad, peace in Jerusalem and throughout our diocese.
Kindergarden. It is with great sadness that we have to announce that after much trying, circumstances have made us close the Kindergarden. We would like to thank Parents, staff and volunteers for their support and the many benefactors of the nursery for their support. Thank you one and all.
Fr. John’s Priestly anniversary. Last Monday saw the 41st anniversary of Fr. John’s Ordination to the Priesthood. Masses were said for him in Agia Kyriaki and at the Monastary, we also sent him a congratulatory email.
Weddings & Baptisms. It is becoming popular these days to have Weddings and Baptisms in exotic places and to make a holiday out of the great event. Here at the church of Agia Kyriaki in Paphos such events have increased dramatically in number in recent years.
Whilst having a Wedding or Baptism here is possible, it is not going to be a spontaneous event. Yes we have had couples turning up saying “We are here on holiday for a couple of weeks can we get married?” The Roman Catholic Church takes these sacraments very seriously and there is a due process that has to be followed, while not difficult it will take time to complete.
To make it easier for you and to save misunderstandings we now have pages on the website detailing the process that must be followed for a Roman Catholic Marriage or Baptism to take place. You can see these pages for Weddings, Baptism and also one for Pilgrims on the main website menu.
Greek Speaking Parishioners. There is a Greek speaking monthly bulletin. This is distributed free. It informs on matters of Faith, Liturgy and culture. For further information please contact; Irene Meerman on 26652025.
Volunteers are needed! We need Volunteers for the Parish Hall and for the Hospice shops. If you can help with the Hall please see Fr. Carlos or Fr. Jim or any member of the committee giving your name, time available and a contact number.
For the Shops please contact anyone volunteering there giving time free, and a contact number. No. 2 shop is looking particularly for volunteers on a Sunday.
CONFESSIONS: Saturday at Agia Kyriaki 5.15 – 5.50pm or during any Mass on Sunday at Agia Kyriaki .
Whoever is saying Mass at Polis on Saturday evening or Pissouri on Sunday evening is available before Mass for confessions.
Rosary Group. This group meets the first Monday of the month.
Return of Hospice table. We have brought back the Hospice fund raising table after Masses on Sunday morning at Agia Kyriaki. On it you will find the new 10euro key scheme, the angel broaches, how to support the Hospice with a 10euro standing order, sponsor a door window or ceiling tile. Watch out for the new Michael teddy bear! Much of all the above is available in the Hospice shops which do such splendid work week in and week out, thank you.