6th Sunday of Easter 2011
Readings for this Sunday: (Year A).
Acts: 8:5-8, 14-17
Psalm: 65.
NT: 1 Peter: 3:15-18
Gospel: John: 14: 15-21
ASCENSION DAY. This Thursday is The Solemnity of the Ascension. It is a Holy Day of Obligation. Mass is at 12noon at Agia Kyriaki.
Readings for Ascension Day.
Acts: 1:1-11
Psalm 46. 1
Paul1: 17-23.
Gospel: Matt:28:16-20
Return of Hospice table. We have brought back the Hospice fund raising table after Masses on Sunday morning at Agia Kyriaki. On it you will find the new 10euro key scheme, the angel broaches, how to support the Hospice with a 10euro standing order, sponsor a door window or ceiling tile. Watch out for the new Michael teddy bear! Much of all the above is available in the Hospice shops which do such splendid work week in and week out, thank you.
Congratulations. Our congratulations to Benito Mantovani on his re-election as the Latin Community representative in Parliament.
Pilgrimage to the Holy Land. There is a pilgrimage to the Holy Land from 28th August – 7th Sept. Organised by Fr Umberto. Parish Coordinator: Willie Watkinson.99771537. Leaflets available at the back of the Church. Full details on the church notice board.
Family Retreat. Fri/Sat. 1/2nd July. A retreat for families is being organised for 1st and 2nd July. Starting at 4pm on Friday 1st July through to about 5pm on Saturday 2nd July. It will be at Mesa Chorio. If interested please see Fr. Carlos or Fr. Jim.
‘Raise the Roof’ evening. We have to carry out extensive repairs to the roof of the Latin Parish Hall and need to raise some money toward the 2,500 euro cost. So there will be a fund raising evening on Saturday 18th June. There will be a band, ‘Mid Life Crisis’, and raffle. Tickets 10 euros including supper. For tickets or further information please contact either Brenda on 99804161 or Phil on 99819891 or in Hospice shops 2 & 3 or the Parish Hall.
Food for the Poor. Food for the poor is collected at the Hospice Coffee shop to be distributed by Fr. Carlos.