On Sunday 19th May we had our first pilgrimage on this Year of Faith, “On the footsteps of Saint Paul”. Being the first one, we were a lot, 90 people! Thanks be to God all enjoyed the pilgrimage that took us through two monasteries and a chapel, the Monastery of Our Lady Trooditissa, Patroness of Troodos, the chapel of Saint Michael Archangel in Pedulas, and the Monastery of Saint John Lampadistis in Kalopanagiotis.
In this last one, arriving we had the lunch, later we visit the place down in the river where Saint Paul and Saint Barnabas baptized Saint Heraclidios, a young boy from the region who led them to Paphos. Tradition says that in the second trip of Saint Barnabas to Cyprus, he ordained bishop Heraclidios, in Tamassos.
Our next pilgrimage (23rd of June) will be to Tamassos, where is the tomb of Saint Heraclidios. Also we will visit the tomb of Saint Lazarus in Larnaca.